

Directed by Peter Schulze-Rohr
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 7.4

Hans - Ein Junge in Deutschland

Hans - Ein Junge in Deutschland

Directed by Sohrab Shahid Saless
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 7.2



Directed by Michael Tuchner
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 5.2

Chao ling chu nan

Chao ling chu nan

Directed by Chiu Lee
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score:

Black Throat

Black Throat

Directed by Gregory Dark
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 5.4

Agent on Ice

Agent on Ice

Directed by Clark Worswick
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 5.0

Sword of Heaven

Sword of Heaven

Directed by Byron Meyers
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 6.2