Losing Control

Losing Control

Directed by Bob Chinn
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 7.8

Chikan densha: Seiko no oshiri

Chikan densha: Seiko no oshiri

Directed by Yôjirô Takita
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score:

Hypnotic Sensations

Hypnotic Sensations

Directed by Roy Karch
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 7.6

Desperately Seeking Suzie...

Desperately Seeking Suzie...

Directed by Jack Remy
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 3.3

The Pleasure Party

The Pleasure Party

Directed by John Shubert
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 7.7

Private Fantasies VI

Private Fantasies VI

Directed by Jack Remy
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 7.4

Sex the Hard Way

Sex the Hard Way

Directed by Jack Genero
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 6.0



Directed by Richard Mailer
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 5.1



Directed by Jim Hanley
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 4.4

Obsessed with a Married Woman

Obsessed with a Married Woman

Directed by Richard Lang
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 5.8

Steep & Deep

Steep & Deep

Directed by Warren Miller
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 7.4

Las Vegas Weekend

Las Vegas Weekend

Directed by Dale Trevillion
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 4.3