

Directed by Carlo Zago
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score:

Portrait du peintre dans son atelier

Portrait du peintre dans son atelier

Directed by Boris Lehman
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score:

Pan'ya shuugeki

Pan'ya shuugeki

Directed by Naoto Yamakawa
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 6.0

Kogda stanovyatsya vzroslymi

Kogda stanovyatsya vzroslymi

Directed by Sergey Ashkenazi
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score:

Big Magnum Kuroiwa Sensei

Big Magnum Kuroiwa Sensei

Directed by Kazuhiko Yamaguchi
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 6.2

Holy Robe of the Shaolin Temple

Holy Robe of the Shaolin Temple

Directed by Siu-Ming Tsui
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 6.1

Meru Malan

Meru Malan

Directed by Mehul Kumar
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 6.8

Bir Kadin Bir Hayat

Bir Kadin Bir Hayat

Directed by Feyzi Tuna
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 6.1

This Wife for Hire

This Wife for Hire

Directed by Jim Drake
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 4.4

Yangba bolo

Yangba bolo

Directed by Léonie Yangba Zowe
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score:



Directed by Léonie Yangba Zowe
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score:

Du zhou

Du zhou

Directed by Ling Pang
Runtime minutes
Released 1985
IMDb Score: 3.7