Kardemoni linna rahvas ja röövlid

Kardemoni linna rahvas ja röövlid

Directed by Elvi Koppel
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score: 6.7



Directed by Vesa Nuotio, Ismo Sajakorpi
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score: 7.5

A Walk in the Forest

A Walk in the Forest

Directed by Jack Gold
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score:



Directed by Leslie Woodhead
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score: 9.0

Gecenin Katili Ustura

Gecenin Katili Ustura

Directed by Semih Servidal
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score:

Ganga Addara

Ganga Addara

Directed by Sumitra Peries
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score: 8.0

People Like Us

People Like Us

Directed by Ian Coughlan
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score:

Império das Taras

Império das Taras

Directed by José Adalto Cardoso
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score:



Directed by Rahul Rawail
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score: 5.7

Lincoln County Incident

Lincoln County Incident

Directed by Tony Brittenden
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score:



Directed by Jean-Daniel Cadinot
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score: 4.2

Working Men

Working Men

Directed by Jean-Daniel Cadinot, Karl Forest
Runtime minutes
Released 1980
IMDb Score: 5.9