Den korte sommer

Den korte sommer

Directed by Edward Fleming
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score: 5.4

Talpuk alatt fütyül a szél

Talpuk alatt fütyül a szél

Directed by György Szomjas
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score: 6.9

Der starke Ferdinand

Der starke Ferdinand

Directed by Alexander Kluge
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score: 6.9

To Dream, to Dream

To Dream, to Dream

Directed by Leonardo Favio
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score: 7.3

La promesa

La promesa

Directed by Ángel del Pozo
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score:

The Passover Plot

The Passover Plot

Directed by Michael Campus
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score: 3.7

Off the Edge

Off the Edge

Directed by Michael Firth
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score: 6.5

Let My Puppets Come

Let My Puppets Come

Directed by Gerard Damiano
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score: 5.0

Las largas vacaciones del 36

Las largas vacaciones del 36

Directed by Jaime Camino
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score: 6.3

Kein Abend wie jeder andere

Kein Abend wie jeder andere

Directed by Hermann Leitner
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score: 5.8

I Will... I Will... For Now

I Will... I Will... For Now

Directed by Norman Panama
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score: 4.8

L'Italia s'è rotta

L'Italia s'è rotta

Directed by Steno
Runtime minutes
Released 1976
IMDb Score: 6.3