The Shoes of the Fisherman

The Shoes of the Fisherman

Directed by Michael Anderson
Runtime minutes
Released 1968
IMDb Score: 7.0

Love Love Love

Love Love Love

Directed by Michael Nyman
Runtime minutes
Released 1968
IMDb Score: 7.0

Un diablo bajo la almohada

Un diablo bajo la almohada

Directed by José María Forqué
Runtime minutes
Released 1968
IMDb Score: 4.8

Sujeon shidae

Sujeon shidae

Directed by Kim Soo-yong
Runtime minutes
Released 1968
IMDb Score:

Il medico della mutua

Il medico della mutua

Directed by Luigi Zampa
Runtime minutes
Released 1968
IMDb Score: 7.1

One Dollar Too Many

One Dollar Too Many

Directed by Enzo G. Castellari
Runtime minutes
Released 1968
IMDb Score: 5.5

Het zoekgeraakte boek

Het zoekgeraakte boek

Directed by Loet Steenbergen
Runtime minutes
Released 1968
IMDb Score:

The Wrecking Crew

The Wrecking Crew

Directed by Phil Karlson
Runtime minutes
Released 1968
IMDb Score: 5.5

Sapnon Ka Saudagar

Sapnon Ka Saudagar

Directed by Mahesh Kaul
Runtime minutes
Released 1968
IMDb Score: 7.7

Los subdesarrollados

Los subdesarrollados

Directed by Fernando Merino
Runtime minutes
Released 1968
IMDb Score: 5.0

El grito

El grito

Directed by Leobardo López Aretche
Runtime minutes
Released 1968
IMDb Score: 8.3

Le viol d'une jeune fille douce

Le viol d'une jeune fille douce

Directed by Gilles Carle
Runtime minutes
Released 1968
IMDb Score: 5.9