Dentist in the Chair

Dentist in the Chair

Directed by Don Chaffey
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 5.1

Danger Tomorrow

Danger Tomorrow

Directed by Terry Bishop
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 5.7

Questo amore ai confini del mondo

Questo amore ai confini del mondo

Directed by Giuseppe Maria Scotese
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 5.4

La caperucita roja

La caperucita roja

Directed by Roberto Rodríguez
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 5.6

En by ved navn København

En by ved navn København

Directed by Jørgen Roos
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 5.6

The Boy and the Pirates

The Boy and the Pirates

Directed by Bert I. Gordon
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 5.2

Baghdad Thirudan

Baghdad Thirudan

Directed by T.P. Sundaram, T.R. Sundaram
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 8.0

Av hjärtans lust

Av hjärtans lust

Directed by Rolf Husberg
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 3.4

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Directed by Michael Curtiz
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 6.2

A Mistress for the Summer

A Mistress for the Summer

Directed by Édouard Molinaro
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 6.4



Directed by Aurel Miheles, Gheorghe Naghi
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 7.8

Nacht fiel über Gotenhafen

Nacht fiel über Gotenhafen

Directed by Frank Wisbar
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 6.8