Letter Never Sent

Letter Never Sent

Directed by Mikhail Kalatozov
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 7.8



Directed by Jean-Luc Godard
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 7.7

The Vampire and the Ballerina

The Vampire and the Ballerina

Directed by Renato Polselli
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 5.6

This Is Alsace

This Is Alsace

Directed by Denis Kavanagh
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score:

Flitterwochen in der Hölle

Flitterwochen in der Hölle

Directed by Johannes Kai
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 4.8

Visit to a Small Planet

Visit to a Small Planet

Directed by Norman Taurog
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 5.9



Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 7.7

The Fugitive Kind

The Fugitive Kind

Directed by Sidney Lumet
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 7.1

The Housemaid

The Housemaid

Directed by Kim Ki-young
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 7.2

Dokuritsu gurentai nishi-e

Dokuritsu gurentai nishi-e

Directed by Kihachi Okamoto
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 7.3

The Apartment

The Apartment

Directed by Billy Wilder
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 8.3

Two-Ton Baby Sitter

Two-Ton Baby Sitter

Directed by Dave Tendlar
Runtime minutes
Released 1960
IMDb Score: 5.6