What Did Jack Do?

What Did Jack Do?

Directed by David Lynch
Runtime minutes
Released 2017
IMDb Score: 6.4

Fire (PoZar)

Fire (PoZar)

Directed by David Lynch
Runtime minutes
Released 2020
IMDb Score: 6.5

David Lynch's Comic-Con Message

David Lynch's Comic-Con Message

Directed by David Lynch
Runtime minutes
Released 2017
IMDb Score: 6.7

Working with Marilyn Manson

Working with Marilyn Manson

Directed by David Lynch
Runtime minutes
Released 2007
IMDb Score: 4.7

The Pig Walks

The Pig Walks

Directed by David Lynch
Runtime minutes
Released 2002
IMDb Score: 4.2

Early Experiments

Early Experiments

Directed by David Lynch
Runtime minutes
Released 2008
IMDb Score: 6.6

The Amputee

The Amputee

Directed by David Lynch
Runtime minutes
Released 1974
IMDb Score: 5.5

BlueBob Egg

BlueBob Egg

Directed by David Lynch
Runtime minutes
Released 2004
IMDb Score: 3.1

Factory Mask

Factory Mask

Directed by David Lynch
Runtime minutes
Released 2002
IMDb Score: 3.3



Directed by David Lynch
Runtime minutes
Released 2002
IMDb Score: 3.8

Ant Head

Ant Head

Directed by David Lynch
Runtime minutes
Released 2018
IMDb Score: 5.1

Twin Peaks Festival Greeting

Twin Peaks Festival Greeting

Directed by David Lynch
Runtime minutes
Released 2008
IMDb Score: 6.4