Sizzler '77

Sizzler '77

Directed by Timothy Spanos
Runtime minutes
Released 2015
IMDb Score:

Otto's Traum

Otto's Traum

Directed by Willy Bogner
Runtime minutes
Released 2014
IMDb Score:

Slipknot: Goat - The 10th Anniversary of Iowa

Slipknot: Goat - The 10th Anniversary of Iowa

Directed by Shawn Crahan
Runtime minutes
Released 2011
IMDb Score: 8.5

Il mondo sopra la testa

Il mondo sopra la testa

Directed by Peter Marcias
Runtime minutes
Released 2013
IMDb Score:

Hell Hath No Fury

Hell Hath No Fury

Directed by Dug Rotstein
Runtime minutes
Released 2013
IMDb Score:

The Blanket of Aco Shopov

The Blanket of Aco Shopov

Directed by Igor Ivanov Izi
Runtime minutes
Released 1996
IMDb Score:

Animus: The Tell-Tale Heart

Animus: The Tell-Tale Heart

Directed by Aaron Russman
Runtime minutes
Released 2015
IMDb Score: 2.8

New Friends

New Friends

Directed by Diane Kenna
Runtime minutes
Released 1981
IMDb Score:

Trick shinsaku special 3

Trick shinsaku special 3

Directed by Yukihiko Tsutsumi
Runtime minutes
Released 2014
IMDb Score: 5.5



Directed by Desiree Naomi Stone
Runtime minutes
Released 2014
IMDb Score: 5.7

The Verdict

The Verdict

Directed by Djuro Gavran
Runtime minutes
Released 2013
IMDb Score: 9.1

Eddie Reynolds y Los Ángeles de Acero

Eddie Reynolds y Los Ángeles de Acero

Directed by Gustavo Moheno
Runtime minutes
Released 2014
IMDb Score: 6.4