Gates of the Arctic

Gates of the Arctic (2008)

29 May 2008 • Documentary

The Brooks Range is one of Alaska's wildest places. Guiding us through these rugged mountains, Richard nelson, noted anthropologist and writer, reveals the tenuous, yet rich, nature of life above the Arctic Circle. Here, birds come to breed from around the globe and caribou graze in perpetual motion. Home to the once nomadic Nunamiut people now living in the remote village of Anaktuvuk Pass, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve is also where Bob Marshall and Mardy Murie were inspired to protect America's wilderness. Their stories weave through the film with that of a Wiseman hunter and trapper. Ultimately, this film is about the people wo call wilderness home. Filmed in high definition and scored with the otherworldly music of John Luther Adams, Gates of the Arctic: Alaska's Brooks Range is a visually stunning portrait of the Arctic's gaunt beauty. Includes bonus footage not shown in the hour-long program seen on public television.

Rory Banyard

Glenn Close

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:
