The Executive Empress

The Executive Empress (2020)

PG 31 Mar 2020 • Documentary, Biography, Drama • 1h 12m

Each of the executive empresses followed a different path to where they are today, but faced similar barriers and challenges. The naysayers are alive and well but none of these women gave in to the negative messages and continued to believe in their idea. It wasn't an easy road...from bootstrapping to bearing fruit, we weave together the stories of these inspiring creators in a full length documentary to inspire other women who may be considering starting their own businesses. The production is set in Beautiful Central Florida, where an amazing synergy is taking place like never before. We follow various local groups that have popped up to support and nurture the female entrepreneur and explore the love economy in action with the legendary feminist and futurist, Hazel Henderson.

Gina Watson
Brett Gerking, Gina Watson
Selloane Nkhela, Hazel Henderson, Misty Wheeler-Belin

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
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IMDb (13 votes)