Alien Babes (2009)
05 Apr 2009 • Sci-Fi • 1h 29m
I had to actually watch it to find out what's it about; at the time of writing (now) there wasn't any review nor plot here for this film so I thought I help out. Sooo this is basically kind of (very soft) soft p0rn, almost comical, with bad voice overs, epicly trashy cgi and a (very) funny scifi story with (even some non-romping) actors actually trying to make the story work (kind of) It has this cute B-movie style which makes it almost watchable. The pretty "Alien Babes" help of course. Regarding the B-Style - might be inspiration for someone with a (very) low budget who thinks about making an indie movie (nud1ty or not) how easy and fun it might be to make a film - not much talent or money needed.
United States
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