Museum Hours

Museum Hours (2012)

Not Rated 06 Sep 2013 • Drama • 1h 47m

In the Kunsthistorisches Art Museum in Vienna, Johann is a security guard who finds a special quiet magic there. One day, a Canadian woman arrives to visit to the city, and the two strike up a friendship through their appreciation of art. That relationship helps put all the other goings-on at the museum and in the city in perspective, as Johann observes and participates in them in a world where art can say so much more than a casual visitor might know.

Jem Cohen
Jem Cohen, Natalie Lettner, Mary Margaret O'Hara
Mary Margaret O'Hara, Bobby Sommer, Ela Piplits

Language: English, German
Awards: 2 wins & 8 nominations
Country: Austria, United States
Metacritic Score: 84
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total: $561,457


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