Once Upon a Time...

Once Upon a Time... (1990)

Animation, Short, Sci-Fi • 0h 17m

In a world of yesterday or tomorrow ruled by huge mechanical Dragons, a Utopian city lives a life of pleasures, but once a year a young girl is offered as a tribute to the Dragon. When it's Cora's turn, the bride-to-be of Zor, he goes on a search for the fearsome machine. As Zor enters its bowels, he finds to his surprise a better world, a new home to Cora, superior to the one they left behind. In a battle he slays the young man who operated the Dragon, and unwittingly causes the end of the brave new world, and of Cora.

Galina Barinova
Ante Zaninovic
Alina Pokrovskaya

Language: Russian
Country: Soviet Union
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (70 votes)