Ting yin jian

Ting yin jian (1969)

21 Mar 1969 • Adventure

The movie starts with action. Who are these people and why are they fighting? One side is slaughtered. A guy and gal hero enter and discover the corpses. Cut back to masked gang on the road. One hero takes them all on and he was doing okay until he took two darts to his eyes. There we have our blind sharp hearing hero and the credits roll.Our hero is rescued by two ladies who heal him. After some anguish he begins his blind swordsman training. The training sequence is totally unbelievable. Actually, the whole idea of a blind swordsman is unbelievable yet is has been done well. When it was done well, such as in Zatoichi, the training was left out completely.After too much slow dialog with lengthy moments of silence, a romance develops between the blind hero and his limping female rescuer trainer. Finally at about 32 minutes in our hero has a fight to show his new skills. By fight I mean he waved his sword around.My copy is a digital file made from an old VHS recording of a television broadcast with Chinese dialog and Korean subtitles - no English. This seems to be as good as it gets for a copy considering how old it is. Don't worry about it because you don't want a copy of it in any condition.I am a hardcore fan of martial arts movies and on a mission to watch every one made during the golden age of martial arts movies from 1967 to 1984. I have watched over 1000 and written over 400 reviews so far. Sometimes a movie is clearly bad from the first scene but I hang in there because I have learned that even a bad movie can have a special moment. Finding those special moments makes up for all the bad movies. That did not happen today. This movie is just bad. There is nothing here for even the hardcore completist. I rated it a 2 because the 2 ladies were attractive.

Sheng-En Chin
Ge Tien
Fu-Yung Wang, Chun Chen, Ming Lei

Language: Mandarin
Country: Taiwan
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:
