Napoli, Napoli, Napoli

Napoli, Napoli, Napoli (2009)

Not Rated 03 Sep 2010 • Documentary, Crime, Drama • 1h 42m

With his crooked face and rough demeanor Abel Ferrara looks and acts like he could have been born in Naples, Italy, the subject and location of his raw and hyper reality film Naples Naples Naples. Inspired by real events, this docudrama, narrated by the director, depicts a young woman, named Lucia, metaphysically lost in the passionate and vibrant streets of Naples. Meanwhile, two local men, Sebastiano and Ciccio, are sent to murder their partner-in-crime Carmine for being un-loyal to their business. Mixed in among the drama are interviews with local residents and inmates of a men's and women's prison detailing their lives in the poverty and crime-ridden city of Naples.

Abel Ferrara
Peppe Lanzetta, Maurizio Braucci, Gaetano di Vaio
Fabio Gargano, Shanyn Leigh, Peppe Lanzetta

Language: Italian, English
Country: Italy
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date: 04 Jan 2019
Box Office Total:


IMDb (237 votes)