Un lugar lejano

Un lugar lejano (2010)

31 Mar 2010 • Drama, Romance • 1h 40m

Julian a famous forty years old photographer who has reached the crossroads of his life: tired, abandoned to his own sorrow, he must deal with cancer that is slowly undermining his strength and taking away the last of his hope. But he has a dream, a vision that will change his life. He dreams about a photograph he has never taken. Julian travels to a distant place to find the photo, a woman, and a strange accident. While he finds his hope his life will change forever.

Joseph Novoa
Fernando Butazzoni, Joseph Novoa
Erich Wildpret, Alberto Alifa, Basilio Alvarez

Language: Spanish
Awards: 1 nomination
Country: Venezuela, Argentina, Spain
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (46 votes)