Más allá de mí (2008)
Drama • 1h 11m
I caught this movie last night on TV. Is a shame I missed it on cinemas, because it seems like an interesting movie to have all your attention, and just watching it while you fix dinner doesn't help at all. The acting is really good especially Luis Gerardo Mendez, and well this movie is heavy on the characters and dialogue. Another thing that stands out is the music, is strange cause it doesn't depict what happens at all but is more like the inner thinking or feeling of the situation, a beautiful moment has Luis Gerardo Mendez just watching out a window with this strange melancholic music. It also has a nice song with very nice lyrics I would like to know the name of the song or who sings it. The photography is something I'm not sure yet I liked, but what it has is that you feel it doesn't exist, that you are just there watching something that happens every day in front of your eyes, nothing even in the dramatic moments, or when they go to a beautiful place feels enhanced, you are there just as you would be in your living room. Hope to get the DVD so I can see it better, if you get pass through it watch it with proper attention cause otherwise it's a very difficult movie to enjoy, everything it has to offer is in the subtleties, there is no action, no big landscapes, just people.
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