A Seaside Girl

A Seaside Girl (1907)

01 Oct 1907 • Short, Comedy

A young lady, sitting on the beach reading is rudely disturbed by two young men, who endeavor to enter into conversation with her. She resists their approaches and turns again to her book. A third man, a Scotchman in kilts, also struck by the young lady's beauty goes up, and raises his hat tries to make himself agreeable. The girl annoyed by these attentions closes her book and hurries away. Jumping into a carriage she drives off, followed, however, by the bonny Scotchman, who takes another carriage. The two first would-be lovers seeing their rival give chase, run after the carriage and also jump in. The lady seeing she is followed, drives to a cycle shop, jumps out, runs in, engages a bike and rides off. The three men stop also at the cycle shop, and leave mounted on wheels. The Scotty soon catches up with the object of his desires, but she runs away as he endeavors to ride beside her. Riding back they meet the other two followers, and to avoid colliding they dismount; the girl mounting quickly again while the three men are talking, rides off and makes her way to the sea-front. Wheeling her bike on the beach she engages a bathing machine and is soon enjoying a dip. The three men rush down to the water, and engaging a boat, row out to where the girl is swimming. As they draw near the spot the two who made first appeal jump from the boat, and running up the steps of the poor girl's machine, seat themselves on each side. Upon the girl returning, she sees her awkward predicament and looks about in despair. The Scotchman, however, leaping from the boat, goes down on his knees in the water and pleads his cause. The girl, struck by the man's persistency, and impressed by his pleading; gives him the answer he requires. The successful lover soon clears his rivals out of the way, sending both sprawling in the water, and guards the entrance while his dear one dresses. As she comes out he lifts her in his arms, and goes off, leaving the two disappointed wooers to console one another.

Lewin Fitzhamon

May Clark, Frank Wilson, Thurston Harris

Language: None, English
Country: United Kingdom
Metacritic Score:
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IMDb (23 votes)