The Hardest Thing

The Hardest Thing (2020)

28 Feb 2020 • Drama • 1h 34m

The Bitter Cherry is the story of people who are trying to get a hold on their lives in the shadow of a cherry tree, the story of lost lives and proliferating hopes. It talks about an old couple who are growing cherries, a dishonest carrier who is up to his ears in debt, a gangster who is a human trafficker, the immigrants who are deceived on their journey of hope, a father who is falling over backwards to save his son who has leukemia. It is the story of the cherry which gathers Macedonia, with its many religions, many languages and many identities, around itself as a nation.

Serdar Akar
Oliver Romevski
Erdal Besikçioglu, Ertan Saban, Belçim Bilgin

Language: Turkish
Country: North Macedonia, Turkey
Metacritic Score:
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IMDb (529 votes)