Hollywood My Home Town

Hollywood My Home Town (1965)

Not Rated Documentary • 0h 54m

Performer Ken Murray first arrived in Hollywood in 1927 a relative unknown from his then hometown of Kingston, New York. Instead of sending postcards of Hollywood back to his family, he instead purchased a 16mm camera, filmed Hollywood stars - many he didn't even know at the time - and sent the resulting film back to his family. This movie is a compilation of much of that footage taken over thirty-five years, plus some additional professional footage provided by his now Hollywood friends. The footage takes place on the street, on movie sets, and wherever Hollywood stars play and/or relax, including their homes. Some of those stars were well established at the time, while others were just at the beginning of what is now their established careers. Murray himself narrates, telling stories of the footage itself and/or of the personalities involved.

William Martin
Royal Foster
Ken Murray, Ben Alexander, Richard Arlen

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date: 11 Nov 2016
Box Office Total:


IMDb (521 votes)