Em Nome do Pai (2002)
Drama, Short • 0h 17m
It's very hard to characterize this short film. I was very attracted by its music, which is a somewhat mournful bassoon solo, and I suppose how you respond to it will depend a great deal on your own attitudes toward its taboo subject-matter.Only 17 minutes long, I would characterize it as very compact and extremely well made, in terms of both the crafting of the very short screen-play, and in the economy of its direction and acting, which was riveting.However, it's hard to say if it's a black comedy with humor similar to some of the darker scenes of the Japanese film, Tampopo, or a short story intended to be taken seriously.For a black comedy, it has a very brooding atmosphere; for a brooding, melancholy, disturbing film, it has a somewhat abrupt, almost humorous ending--and so it's hard to say what one should make of it.However, it's SO short, that it isn't as if you are investing a great deal to find out how you feel about it, and I doubt that anyone would be COMPLETELY disappointed by it, because it is crafted very well: the subtle symbolism reminded me a great deal of playwright Lanford Wilson: a ceiling lamp which needs a bulb replacement, for example, representing a family secret which has been carefully hidden by and from all.I found it rather engaging, but I think I would have preferred a longer treatment--a feature length--so that the plot resolution could have had far more justification and build-up than it had.
2 wins
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