Chok song chun

Chok song chun (1927)


Only 55 seconds of this, the first feature from Thailand, survive. The Thai Film Archives has posted it to Youtube at . You may wish to take a look at it.Or you may not. It's a totally unremarkable bit of film, alternating shots of a man and a woman struggling at a table outdoors, and a couple of guys in a touring car. You've seen this sort of thing in hundreds of movie, alternating cuts to increase tension. D.W. Griffith had done it twenty years earlier. Mack Sennett had produced comedies at Keystone using the same sort of sequence. Historically it's important. It demonstrates the fact that by this point, the same film grammar was universal, with the same shots and editing choices giving the audience the same feelings. All that differs is that the cast here is Thai.Of course, every national cinema had its own dialect, and there is little doubt that, were the whole feature available, we would see distinctly Siamese elements. At the moment, all we have is a bit less than a minutes.



Language: None
Country: Siam
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:
