The Poacher's Pardon (1912)
30 Sep 1912 • Drama, Short
The old gamekeeper knows that a poacher is operating on the estate, but all efforts to capture the hunter prove unavailing. Dora, the gamekeeper's daughter, meets Jim, the poacher, but knows nothing of his vocation, and the young couple fall in love. One day she discovers him at work. Just at this moment the gamekeeper appears, and by an artful subterfuge, Dora shields Jim. That night Dora overhears a consultation which takes place between her father and some of his neighbors, in which they plan to capture the mysterious poacher. Stealing out of the house Dora proceeds to search for Jim and is accidentally shot by one of the party who is endeavoring to locate the hunter. She manages to warn Jim, who makes his escape. Visiting the tavern Jim learns that his sweetheart has been wounded. He abandons his illegal occupation and becomes an honest workman. A few weeks later Dora recovers and when Jim meets her he convinces the girl that he has proven worthy of her love.
None, English
United States
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