The Fatherhood of Buck McGee

The Fatherhood of Buck McGee (1912)

03 Aug 1912 • Drama, Short • 0h 15m

Prospecting In the mines of California, Buck McGee and his partner have built themselves a comfortable shack and determine to settle down developing their rich load. Buck's partner receives a letter from his wife that she and their little girl are coming to make their home with him. Buck, who is not partial to women and children, shows his dissatisfaction. The mother and child are making their way across the prairie when they are attacked by Indians. The mother is killed and buried on the plains at the foot of the hills. Buck and his partner are working in their mines and during the exploding of a dynamite cartridge, the partner is killed. The little girl Nellie is brought to him, and for the first time the child learns of her father's death, and that she is an orphan. Buck is obliged to keep her overnight, at any rate, until he can decide what to do with her. She sets the table for him and tries to make herself useful in every way. She clothes herself in her little nightdress and comes to Buck asking him to hear her prayers, kneeling at his side. Buck's heart is touched, and when she attempts to kiss him before retiring, he seems to be provoked at himself to discover that he feels so tenderly for her. The next morning he writes a letter to the sheriff, asking him to come and take care of the little one. He goes to his work. At noontime Nellie prepares a lunch for him and takes it to him. He is very much pleased with her thoughtfulness, but when she attempts to kiss him goodbye, he again rebuffs her. Her little heart is broken. She goes back to the cabin and writes a note saying: "Since you do not love me I am going to go to the mountains, where I can be near Heaven and mother." Buck comes home, discovers the note, and goes in search of the child. He finds her wounded at the foot of one of the mountains from which she has fallen. He bathes and binds her head, takes her home and tenderly cares for her. When the sheriff arrives to take the child. Buck says: "I have about decided to be a father to Nellie myself." The little one comes to the door, Buck clasps her to his breast and presses her forehead to his lips.

Robert Thornby

Language: None, English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
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