The Naked Road

The Naked Road (1959)

09 Sep 1959 • Crime, Drama • 1h 14m

The decent model Gay Andrews and the sleazy married advertising executive Bob Walker leave a New Jersey restaurant. In Walker's car they immediately get into an argument because she won't go to a motel with him. The disappointed Walker is taking her home when he's pulled over for speeding by a cop, and taken to a police office where Walker has to pay a fine of $100. But Bob has to drive to New York to get the money, so Miss Andrews remains at the police office. While Bob's gone, the pudgy Wayne Jackson, also picked up for speeding, feels sorry for her. He then takes Miss Andrews to a restaurant where he drugs her.

William Martin
William Martin
Jeanne Rainer, Ronald Long, Art Koulias

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date: 15 Nov 2017
Box Office Total:


IMDb (83 votes)