The Brooklyn Boys

The Brooklyn Boys (2002)

R 02 Apr 2002 • Crime, Drama • 1h 49m

Big congratulations to this very talented group of artists! I just finished watching BROOKLYN BOYS (much better title than Deadly Ties) and found it a wonderful exhibit of how much you can achieve without any major resources. Acting is above par and John Richardson's videography is great (again considering the equipment limitations). The Gerace bros. are a pleasure to watch on the screen. The only major distraction I had was the poor audio mix, but again, the shoestring budget is a very valid excuse for this. Storywise, I was hoping for the "new girl" at the end, poolside, to be an undercover Fed. Anyway, for what it's worth, I suggest that filmmakers on "no budget" check this out, and fans of the mob genre will find it entertaining. Good luck guys on the new DVD release.

John Bianco
Anthony Gerace
John Bianco, Brian S. Carpenter, Rick Casale

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (35 votes)