Liebesgrüße aus der Lederhose 7 - Kokosnüsse und Bananen (1990)
11 Jan 1992 • Comedy • 1h 34m
Although the (video) title sells this as a continuation of the "Liebesgrüße..." series, there is hardly any connection at all - it's a sex comedy and has Georg Einerdinger in it, but that's about as far as it goes. The original tagline "Die Dummen sterben nie aus" (there'll always be stupid people) is quite possibly an indirect insult directed towards anyone stupid enough to pay any money to watch this, because this a monumental stinker - more stinker than monumental, because the film has been made on the very cheap: I recognised an indoor pool with bar which the director had used in one of his Mutzenbacher films, so this was quite possibly his own.People who believe in the so-bad-it's-good idea of movie trash will appreciate one jaw-droppingly awful scene set in Africa: Georg Einerdinger, dressed in a kind of missionary monk outfit, walks through an African village while singing the title song "Kokosnüsse und Bananen" (coconuts and bananas). That alone would easily qualify for the bottom drawer, but it gets worse: Georg is accompanied on his walk by a group of black children - all dressed in loin clothes in unmistakable Bavarian colours! The fact that this scene is out of focus suggests to me that their parents stopped any further atrocities to world culture once they saw what these crazy foreigners were up to.
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