Behind the Red Door

Behind the Red Door (2003)

R 12 Jan 2003 • Drama • 1h 45m

Talented photographer Natalie (Kyra Sedgwick) is having financial difficulties in New York City, New York. Her friend and agent Julia (Stockard Channing) finds a two day job in Boston, Massachusetts for twenty thousand dollars, and the reluctant Natalie accepts the work due to her need of money. When she arrives, she finds that she was hired by her arrogant gay brother Roy (Kiefer Sutherland), a successful designer. Natalie has broken the relationship and they have not seen each other for ten years. When she finishes her assignment, Roy asks her to stay one more day for his birthday party, and after that, he tells her that he has A.I.D.S. Natalie stays with him and along his last days, their resentments change to fraternal love.

Matia Karrell
Matia Karrell, C.W. Cressler
Kyra Sedgwick, Kiefer Sutherland, Stockard Channing

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
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IMDb (1626 votes)