El rey de la playa (1994)
Comedy • 1h 23m
I joined this film in progress on a local Spanish language Mexican connected TV network. I don't speak Spanish nor understand it but this little gem just pulled me in and I enjoyed it so very much.There was a time in both the US and especially Western Europe that these type of films were regular fare. Just GOOD FUN!I absolutely loved the cast, what energy, what emotive actors and actresses. They really could put it across. Now don't expect some slick Hollywood production with that level of technical advances and cinematography, yet you can't help but find this an adorable little joy that I would love to see from the beginning.SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!And a note to the fellows, what gals!!! Another note to the fellows, wait till you see the guys who get all the girls!!! You will feel like a Casanova by the end.
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