Agoria stin porneia

Agoria stin porneia (1985)

Drama • 1h 26m

At a small village, somewhere in Greece, a 10-year old boy gets raped by a powerful man. The boy's mother (who suffers from cancer) tries to prove who is the guilty one. In the meanwhile, the movie goes on showing how teenagers become male prostitutes. It depicts Athens in a very decadent way. A reporter (Michalis Maniatis) starts working on an article about this case and gets beaten by a bunch of gay bikers! Teenage boys get laid with wealthy middle-aged men who pay well for these "services". One of these boys strangles his wealthy client and he is immediately arrested.

Vagelis Katsanis, Kostas Tsarouhas
Michalis Maniatis, Anna Matzourani, Pavlos Evagelopoulos

Language: Greek
Country: Greece
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (63 votes)