Cinderella Cinders (1920)
01 May 1920 • Comedy, Short • 0h 20m
When the expected noble guests of honor are late for a party, social-climbing host Rose Burkhardt has cook Alice Howell and butler Dick Smith pretend to be anticipated aristocrats.CINDERELLA CINDERS is probably the best known of Alice Howell's short comedies -- a situation which the producers of THE ALICE HOWELL COLLECTION hope to remedy. It was sold in 16 and 8 millimeter prints by Blackhawk Films for many years, which means that good copies exist.It is also very funny, with a hash house scene harking back to Miss Howell's Keystone days, a race to get a good job that involves roller skates, and a funny drunk bit by Alice and Dick. If some of the ladies competing with Alice for a well-paying job are actually men in drag.... well, I doubt anyone in the audience noticed or cared.
None, English
United States
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