Pink Tush Girl: Proposal Strategy

Pink Tush Girl: Proposal Strategy (1980)

26 Apr 1980 • Comedy, Romance • 1h 28m

I found this movie hard to rate. I kind of feel like I want to rate it slightly higher, but then I might be pushing it. The movie didn't bore me, even though there wasn't much going on. The dramatic climax of the movie didn't come across as dramatic on screen. Everything felt shallow. Other than the leading actress, whom I thought looked quite attractive, there wasn't really anything memorable going on.I also want to say that for a movie made in 1980 on what must have been a small budget, it never felt dated.

Kôyû Ohara
Osamu Hashimoto, Narito Kaneko
Kaori Takeda, Ako, Jun Takahashi

Language: Japanese
Country: Japan
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (39 votes)