The Gold and the Tin

The Gold and the Tin (1962)

Comedy • 1h 29m

Patroklos Baratelas, the wandering grocer, wasn't always the accomplished and self-made businessman he is now. In fact, life used to be hard; however, now that he has plenty of money, he is able to pay whatever the price to have things his way. Of course, this means that Patroklos quite often resorts to paying off his only daughter Mary's ambitious and money-grubbing lovers, just to make sure that she will marry the only man he approves, unbeknownst to him that she, too, has plans of her own. In the end, they say, money is power; nevertheless, can money buy love?

Ion Daifas
Ion Daifas, Nikos Tsiforos, Polyvios Vasileiadis
Mimis Fotopoulos, Miranda Kounelaki, Pantelis Zervos

Language: Greek
Country: Greece
Metacritic Score:
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IMDb (72 votes)