The Potterymaker

The Potterymaker (1925)

06 Nov 1984 • Documentary, Short • 0h 15m

I just looked at this short semi-documentary, in which an old woman, played by General Custer's widow, and her grand daughter, visit a potter at his studio. We get to watch the potter at his wheel, glazing the greenware, and preparing the kiln for baking his work.As one of my nieces is a ceramics artist, I cna assure you that the process is largely unchanged. Oh, the wheel is now powered by a motor, and the kiln is heated by electricity, but the craft in forming the working remains unchanged, just as it has for millennia.

Elizabeth Bacon Custer, Ruth Raffo, Victor Raffo

Language: None
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
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IMDb (32 votes)