Nothing But the Truth

Nothing But the Truth (1920)

01 Jan 1920 • Comedy • 1h 0m

Robert Bennett, an idle socialite, wagers $30,000 with his three friends that he can tell nothing but the truth for a period of one week. His troubles begin at a party where his friends' wives question Robert about their husbands' outside activities. Forced to tell the truth, Robert's veracity results in domestic disharmony. Consequently, his vengeful trio of friends pursue Robert for the next five days, intent upon silencing him until the week is over. They finally resort to committing Robert to an insane asylum where he escapes with the aid of Dolly, who is in love with him because she believes that Robert is a society thief. When the real burglar arrives, he tries to frame Robert for his crimes, but Robert is cleared as the week ends and claims both his wager and his sweetheart, Gwendolyn Gerald.

David Kirkland
Frederic S. Isham, James Montgomery, David Kirkland
Taylor Holmes, Elsie Mackay, Ned Sparks

Language: None, English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:
