Los inconstantes

Los inconstantes (1962)

Drama • 1h 16m

This film seems longer than its 1:16 running time, because over most of its length we see only upper-middle-class Argentines speaking in monotones about their deep discontent. Most of the action in this nearly plot-free pic takes place at the beach-side resort of Villa Gesell. We see fisticuffs over a girl, but little else happens. As in the French New Wave, talking is supposed to carry this movie along. There are a few treats and surprises: One shot has a couple on a see-saw, alternately popping up into the frame as they narrate their angst. There are several diverse musical selections at party and club scenes; incorporating these was probably a good idea to take a break from all that inner churning. There's a little moment of fleeting nudity, rare & bold for an Argentine pic of this date. Kuhn likely intended this as a piece of social criticism, but he seems too enthralled with his bored characters to really bring this off. While the resulting movie was advanced for Argentina at the time, for most of us today I suspect that it's a curiosity.

Rodolfo Kuhn
Rodolfo Kuhn
Alberto Argibay, Elsa Daniel, Fernando De Soria

Language: Spanish
Country: Argentina
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (11 votes)