Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive (2001)

R 19 Oct 2001 • Drama, Mystery, Thriller • 2h 27m

Still untarnished by the false promises of the rapacious film industry, the wide-eyed actress, Betty, sets foot on bustling, sun-kissed Hollywood. Brimming with hope, and eager to spread her wings and prove her worth, Betty moves in Aunt Ruth's expensive apartment, unbeknownst to her, however, that fate has other plans in store for her, setting the stage for life-altering experiences with the unexpected, the indecipherable, and the unknown. Now, in the centre of an elaborate labyrinth of half-truths, faded memories, unrequited loves, and dangerous encounters with the city's ugly face lies a strange key to a mysterious keyhole, an even stranger indigo-blue cube, the young director, Adam, and one cryptic woman: the amnesiac brunette and devilishly seductive car-crash survivor, Rita. But, time flies and Rita's opaque past demands answers. After all, both women deserve the truth. What is the secret of the serpentine, dream-crushing Mulholland Drive?

David Lynch
David Lynch
Naomi Watts, Laura Harring, Justin Theroux

Language: English, Spanish, French
Awards: Nominated for 1 Oscar. 50 wins & 61 nominations total
Country: France, United States
Metacritic Score: 86
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total: $7,220,243


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