A Tale of Lost Times

A Tale of Lost Times (1964)

27 Aug 1964 • Comedy, Family, Fantasy • 1h 25m

Kind and instructive tale of four evil wizards who decided to regain youth. But for this it was necessary to find people aimlessly waste their time. Luck smiled on them! They met four disorderly students. Wizards bewitched students and turned them into old people and themselves become children. But the students had one last chance - before sunset they had to find a home of wizards and move back magic arrows on the clock.

Vladimir Lifshits, Evgeniy Shvarts
Oleg Anofriev, Grisha Plotkin, Sergey Martinson

Language: Russian
Country: Soviet Union
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date: 25 Jun 2002
Box Office Total:


IMDb (644 votes)