Tant qu'il y aura des femmes

Tant qu'il y aura des femmes (1955)

04 Oct 1955 1h 15m

Professor Sylvain Mithouard seems like a paragon of virtue to his family's eyes.A man with a sense of duty, he has created a stifling atmosphere in his household.However ,he leads a double life : claiming he's living for the Clermont-Ferrand congress, he actually goes to meet his young mistress.While he is away,his daughter , Huguette, tells her mother she is pregnant by her boyfriend ,a simpleton named Hervé. The whole family is terrified :how will the worthy father react when he comes back?

Marcel Franck
Pierre Destailles, Evelyne Ker, Mireille Perrey

Language: French
Country: France
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (20 votes)