Ce coquin d'Anatole

Ce coquin d'Anatole (1951)

26 Dec 1951 • Comedy • 1h 27m

Emile Couzinet provided the French with their guiltiest pleasures ; today his movies are dismissed as pieces of junk by all the official critics, but retain a bizarre cult among certain cinebuffs .Plot : a butcher's bossy overpossessive widow does not want her son, a virgin lad, to become an architect and makes him work in the store with Anatole ,the butcher boy;the son is actually a rich heir ,his late father left him 27 million (and a half ) francs but the tight-fisted mom has always concealed this secret from his clueless son.One find day , a phone call splits the beans ,and now, fortune-hunter ladies,like Monroe and Russell, are eager for the young man's heart (and dough); in order to seduce a gorgeous girl, Anatole (check the title = Anatole,you rascal!" ) passes himself off as the matron' s son .Both boys enjoy a bath in a tub ,a luxury at the time ,but one of their belles 's old beau (Jean Tissier ,the only good actor of the cast ,who sometimes got lost in Couzinet's stuff)is to be reckoned with ..From the so-called dying brother-in-law to the naive young man who sows his wild oats ,including even ,towards the ending ,a "serious " melodramatic scene in which the bad gal tells the stripling about her racy past ,this can only be appreciated as a guilty pleasure ;besides ,not suitable for veggies.

Émile Couzinet
Émile Couzinet, Yves Mirande
Frédéric Duvallès, Armand Bernard, Irène de Trebert

Language: French
Country: France
Metacritic Score:
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Box Office Total:


IMDb (13 votes)