The Jail Break

The Jail Break (1946)

20 Sep 1946 • Animation, Short • 0h 7m

I actually enjoyed this Mighty Mouse cartoon, which may mean that it is brilliant. I freely admit that I was overexposed to MM as a child -- although it seemed that every time I saw one, it was the one where he rescued Pearl Pureheart from the buzz saw as everyone sang bad operetta, Mighty Mouse was, of course, a tenor. As a result I have been unable to enjoy them ever since. Their repetitious plotting and made-for-the-kiddies scripting never helped.But this one, directed by old Terry hand Mannie Davis is amusing. The villain, Bad Bill Bunyan and his horse, steal surprising things, and that makes me laugh. Until Mighty Mouse shows up and then it's the same old stuff. But he doesn't show up before I had fun.

Mannie Davis
John Foster, Tom Morrison, Paul Terry
Tom Morrison

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (28 votes)