Hot Rod Huckster

Hot Rod Huckster (1954)

Approved 05 Jul 1954 • Family, Animation, Short • 0h 7m

Woody is driving down the city street singing a "screwy" driving song. Used car owner Buzz Buzzard tries to interest Woody in buying a new car (after sabotaging the one he has, natch). He shows him various cars but they all are utterly lacking in quality and leave a lot to be desired. After getting him to try a hot rod with a record player under the hood (playing a record of "hot rod sounds" which, alas, gets switched to "animal sounds" on the record's other side), Buzz comes up with the idea of rejuvenating Woody's old car and selling it to him at a vast price. Woody's response to this is to put Buzz through the "rejuvenating machine" where the buzzard gets a car built around him and is driven home by Woody!

Don Patterson
Homer Brightman
Dal McKennon, Grace Stafford, Danny Webb

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (79 votes)