The Scorched Earth

The Scorched Earth (1942)

07 Apr 1942 • Documentary • 0h 57m

Propaganda documentary about the repression of the Chinese by the Japanese before and during world war 2, highlighting how evil the Japanese militarists were and the lengths they were prepared to go to.Not a film for the faint hearted, nor for those looking for any sort of objectivity. It is 100% jingoistic in presentation and designed to further the American war effort against the Japanese in World War 2.Aimed at the American public in a blatant effort to push it's citizens to even greater commitments in war production and money invested. Preying on the fears that without the public desire to push the war against Japan, they themselves may feel the cruelness of life under the Japanese militarists.

Ben Mindenburg
Conrad Seiler, R.C. Wright
Cliff Howell

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (9 votes)