Alice nel paese delle pornomeraviglie

Alice nel paese delle pornomeraviglie (1993)

X 01 Nov 1993 • Adult • 1h 33m

Unsung maestro Luca Damiano (IMDb doesn't even properly acknowledge his stage name) has several genre classics including his XXX Snow White film, and this Lewis Carroll knockoff is also creative and stimulating.ALICE IN PORNLAND is unlikely to tarnish the reputation of Howard Ziehm's classic ALICE crossover porn hit, but it does add a European slant on the subject. The innocent girl's sexual adventures are played for slapstick laughs but there's plenty of strong XXX material to keep the fans awake.Familiar Euro cock Richard Langin plays the Mad Hatter, who is immediately granted deep throat by our less than virginal heroine. A trademark Damiano effect is used often and amusingly, as a shot from inside her vagina shows an animated version of Langin's cock entering, while echo chamber sound effects promote the goofy "you are there inside" notion. Same gimmick is repeated when Alice takes it in the rear.An orgy scene in a tavern spotlights American import Chessie Moore, rather lavishly staged and photographed. Pic climaxes with a "was it all a dream?" finish.Carole Nash makes for a sexy Alice and the other characters are interesting and varied. I don't know why this title wasn't imported to America as most of Damiano's output was, but it is worth a bit of hunting to find.

Luca Damiano

Carole Nash, Virna Bonino, Chessie Moore

Language: Italian
Country: Italy
Metacritic Score:
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IMDb (48 votes)