Walking to the Waterline

Walking to the Waterline (1998)

PG 13 Jun 1998 • Drama • 1h 40m

Francis McGowan is a man with a purpose who instead gets side-tracked during one surreal week spent trying to figure out what he wants from a business that makes very little sense to him, a woman he's sleeping with who's not his wife, and a father who has left him to fend for himself and didn't leave a map. Francis is an out of work sit-com actor returning to his empty childhood home on the Jersey shore to deal with the aftermath of his father's death. Instead, he gets sidetracked by indecision, self-doubt, and his childhood friend, Duane Hopwood. It's about losing your bearings while finding your way.

Matt Mulhern
Matt Mulhern
Hallie Foote, Matt Mulhern, Kara Silver

Language: English
Awards: 1 nomination
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date: 16 May 2017
Box Office Total:


IMDb (320 votes)