The Pitfalls of Bunny

The Pitfalls of Bunny (1977)

X Adult • 1h 0m

PITFALLS OF BUNNY is an obvious nod to the non-porn film DELIVERANCE (lifted soundtrack and all...)-unfortunately, this film went in a decidedly 'light' direction and never made use of what could have been an exceptionally sleazy storyline...Set during the NYC blackout of '77-a guy his wife/girlfriend (whatever) and another female friend decide to take a trip to 'the island' (exactly which island I'm really not sure...) to alleviate the boredom of being stuck in the blacked-out city. While her man and friend are off in the woods boning-the girlfriend is busy dildoing herself on a hammock- until two yokels roll up and rape her. Although afterwards, the rapee invites the rapists back to a BBQ-so I guess she didn't mind the treatment too much. The rapists and three adventurers become friends and have an orgy and the three city-dwellers head back home the next day. Upon arrival-they find that their apartment has been looted by a threesome that had some 'fun' in their apartment while the vacationers were away...Honestly-despite some pretty good sex-scenes featuring a relatively attractive cast of females-I was seriously disappointed with PITFALLS OF BUNNY. From the first few minutes of the film-I was really hoping and expecting to see a twisted, rape-fueled roughie. The turn of events where the would-be rapists become friends with the city-folk was disappointing to say the least. The only thing keeping me from giving this one a terrible rating are the solid sex-scenes throughout. Like several of Davian's other offerings-even if the plot is lame-he still knows how to shoot a decent sex-scene. Nothing noteworthy-worth a look to collectors. 4/10

Joe Davian

Marlene Willoughby, David Williams, Peter Andrews

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (27 votes)