Sweet, Sweet Freedom

Sweet, Sweet Freedom (1976)

X 28 Nov 1979 • Adult, Comedy • 1h 15m

Roberta Findlay successfully experimented by shooting two hospital sex comedies back to back, in radically different styles but using the same cast (playing diff. characters) and locations. This repertory approach is quite interesting, with HOT NURSES the weaker of the two resulting features.Its original title SWEET, SWEET FREEDOM is arbitrary and merely refers to a song played twice during the movie. John Holmes stars as Dr. Mort, appropriately seen bungling an operation, but he's blasé about the fatal result, more interested in sex (naturally).But as accountant Eric Edwards laboriously reports at a meeting, the hospital is losing hundreds of thousands of dollars and board exec Crystal Sync is laying down the law.The head of the hospital Dr. Mangle (Don Peterson) has a clever scheme for turning things around, which he terms "Early Admission". The hospital will henceforth concentrate on admitting patients who aren't sick, and provide them with services to keep them healthy (sexual services), charging everything to Blue Cross. Of course, this gimmick works.In the very funny companion film LOVE, IN STRANGE PLACES, Findlay has the cast winging it as loonies who have taken over the institution. But for HOT NURSES, there is a tight script filled with only sometimes funny gags, most of which are repeated ad nauseum. Worst bit is nurse Marlene Willoughby in charge of the pharmacy, doing the same doggy-style sex routine behind her dispensary window, as the janitor gets a bottle of Spanish Fly from her that he duly dumps into the hospital's water supply. Findlay repeats this about five times.Exempt from the script is Holmes, who ad libs and horses around with great abandon, and provides more sex footage than in most of his films. Willoughby is also sexually impressive, and even indulges in the requisite "But it's too big!" scene with Holmes in which he has her experimentally suspended from a hanging contraption supposedly wired up with electrodes to test her response to a big cock.Film climaxes with an orgy in the hospital solarium, brief excerpts of which are re-used by Findlay in LOVE, IN STRANGE PLACES.Porn comedies are often given a free pass by the fans because they at least try to be diverting, as compared to the no-plot, all-sex wonders. But watching these two demonstrates that a freewheeling, hellzapoppin' approach is better & funnier than a lame attempt at approximating (in bargain basement terms) the farcical efforts of a Feydeau.Crystal Sync is very effective, as always, as the prim & proper administrator with affected dialog delivery, who gets down with Dr. Mangle after a few doses of Spanish Fly. Filmmaker Findlay pops up as the hospital dietitian, really getting down (even mooning the camera) and vulgar as she (pretend) urinates and defecates in the food she's preparing for the ungrateful staff.

Roberta Findlay
Roberta Findlay
John Holmes, Crystal Sync, Eric Edwards

Language: English
Country: United States
Metacritic Score:
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