Magic Sword

Magic Sword (1993)

Action, Adventure

This classical-style drama has plenty of action as well as lush scenery and intricate detail of the period. The story is about a vendetta between some warlord kings in China. One king attempts to develop swords of steel which would not break as did the iron swords of the time period. The king's ruthless methods of ruling embitter his sword smith and his wife to turn against the king and plot his fall. The swordsman's wife jumps into the furnace pot to give the swords to be cast the power of a human soul, thus a magic sword will be formed. Then the sword smith cuts his arm and spills some of his own blood into the cauldron to give a sword his life and soul. Their essences then become two swords after they are formed. She transforms into herself and other creatures when confronted by the king. The sword smith is still alive, but his sword later appears and transforms him as well. This is just an amazing story too convoluted to explain in a paragraph or two, but it is fascinating to watch it unfold. The scenery, costumes, and props in this film are really gorgeous. And it is well acted and directed. Shan-si Ting is the director, a sometimes overlooked Hong Kong director who also made the excellent fantasy action film The Beheaded 1000. He just excels in the exaggerated and fantastic, which he does so well in both films.

Shan-Hsi Ting
Ta-chuen Chang, Yan Hsia
Chung-Hua Tou, May Chin, Fu-Chien Chang

Language: Mandarin
Country: Taiwan, Hong Kong
Metacritic Score:
DVD Release Date:
Box Office Total:


IMDb (26 votes)